Transducer Usage Guide

Transducers are a way to build reusable transformations.

Let’s start with some input data xs, that will be used for further examples:

(1 to 10).toList

> List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

And we will use this simple transducer tx, that will filter out odd numbers:

transducers.filter((x: Int) ⇒ x % 2 == 0)

> (filter)

Decoupling from in- and output

A transducer is independent from its source or target. Notice how the definition of the transducer did not involve anything from the source or the target.

If you run the transducer, it will use the input shape for the output.

> List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

You can also change the output shape using into:


> Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

The shape has to be a first-order kinded type, i.e. F[_] or * -> *. There must be an instance of AsTarget[F] available. For some types, there is already an instance available.

, transducers.into[Vector].run(tx)(xs)
, transducers.into[Stream].run(tx)(xs)
, transducers.into[Set].run(tx)(xs)
, transducers.into[Iterator].run(tx)(xs)
, transducers.into[Iterable].run(tx)(xs)
, transducers.into[Option].run(tx)(xs)
, transducers.into[Option](AsTarget.lastOption).run(tx)(xs)

> (List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10),Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10),Stream(2, ?),Set(10, 6, 2, 8, 4),non-empty iterator,List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10),Some(2),Some(10))

Note that choosing Stream won’t automatically stop the consumption of the input, when the stream is not consumed. Also, using Option will not terminate the input consumption early. This might change in the future (PR welcome ;-) ).

If you already have some target data available, you can use addto:

val result = (-10 to 0 by 2).toVector

> Vector(-10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

The same things about AsTarget apply for addto as they do for into.

All three methods also support a variant where the arguments are reversed ((input)(transducer)) which works better with type inference, if the transducer is declared inline: Int) ⇒ x % 2 == 0))(xs)
// % 2 == 0))(xs)  // wouldn't compile % 2 == 0))

> List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

into and addto also have a from method, where you can define the input shape, and a transducer. You get a function from input to output:

val fn: List[Int] ⇒ Vector[Int] = transducers.into[Vector].from[List].run(tx)

> Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

Composing Transducers

Transducers can be composed as if they were functions (a Transducer[A, B] is basically just a Reducer[B, _] ⇒ Reducer[A, _]).

You can use compose to create a new Transducer:

val tx2 = Int) * 5)
val tx0 = tx compose tx2 // first map (*5), then filter (even?)

> List(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)

You can also use andThen

val tx2 = Int) * 4)
val tx0 = tx andThen tx2 // first filter (even?), then map (*4)

> List(8, 16, 24, 32, 40)

>> is an alias for andThen

val tx2 = Int) * 4)
val tx0 = tx >> tx2 // first filter (even?), then map (*4)

> List(8, 16, 24, 32, 40)

Instead of creating the transducers beforehand and fighting the type-inference, you directly chain transducers by calling the corresponding methods.

This way, the API looks like that of a collection type

val tx0 = tx map (4 *) map (2 +) drop 4

> List(42)

Laziness and early termination

Transducers are inherently lazy in their execution, similar to views. Unlike in normal collections, every step is executed in every transducer before the next value is computed.

To demonstrate this, the input is wrapped in an iterator it, that counts how often it was consumed


> non-empty iterator

So, take terminates early if everything is taken

val tx0 = tx.take(2)
(transducers.into[List].run(tx0)(, it.consumed)

> (List(2, 4),4)

Here, only 4 items were consumed (out of 10), because after 4 items, 2 were found that matched the filter and the process could be terminated.

Another effect of lazy evaluation is, that transducers can operate on infinite collections where the default scala collection operators would fail to terminate.

Consider this example in Scala:

// java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

This works with transducers

val xs = Stream.from(1)
val it = CountingIterator(xs)
val tx0 = tx.dropRight(5).take(5)

(transducers.into[List].run(tx0)(, it.consumed)

> (List(2, 4, 6, 8, 10),20)

20 Items are consumed, 10 of which pass the filter condition; 5 are buffered in case they need to be dropped and 5 will be taken until the process terminates.