
package bbuzz

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. bbuzz
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait ElasticsearchScanTweets extends FromStringIterable

    Provides tweets by scanning an Elasticsearch index.

  2. trait RedisPubsubTweets extends TweetProvider

  3. trait RedisScanTweets extends FromStringIterable

    Provides tweets by scanning a Redis db.

  4. type Tweet = Status

  5. trait TweetConsumer extends TweetObserver

    Consumes tweets of a stream.

  6. type TweetObservable = Observable[Tweet]

  7. type TweetObserver = Observer[Tweet]

  8. trait TweetProvider extends AnyRef

    Provides Tweets.

  9. abstract class TweetStreaming extends TweetConsumer

    Entry point for the app.

  10. trait TwitterApiTweets extends TweetProvider

    Provides Tweets by streaming from the Twitter API.

  11. trait ZeroMqTweets extends TweetProvider

    Provides tweets by listening on a ZeroMQ SUB socket.

Value Members

  1. object TweetProvider

    Factory methods for bbuzz.TweetProvider

  2. def createTweet(json: String): Iterable[Tweet]

    Try to parse a Tweet JSON into an scala.collection.immutable.Iterable.

    Try to parse a Tweet JSON into an scala.collection.immutable.Iterable.

    If the json could be parses successfully into a Tweet, the iterable has one element (the Tweet), otherwise it's empty. Exceptions during parsing will be silently swallowed.


    a string representing a Tweet in JSON.


    an iterable.

  3. package example

  4. package support

  5. def tryCreateTweet(json: String): Try[Tweet]

    Try to parse a Tweet JSON into an scala.util.Try.

    Try to parse a Tweet JSON into an scala.util.Try.

    If the json could be parses successfully into a Tweet, the result will be a scala.util.Success, otherwise it's a scala.util.Failure. Exceptions during parsing will not be thrown, but are available from the Try.


    a string representing a Tweet in JSON


    a Try of the parsed JSON

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
